‘Twas the Fight Before Christmas - An Entertaining HOA Documentary
By: Quinn Sperry
Attorney at Jenkins Bagley Sperry
‘Twas the Fight Before Christmas,
a Hallmark movie it’s not.
'Tis the tale of "Mr. Christmas"
and the HOA that he fought.
This "Christmas Lawyer"
decorates like Clark Griswold.
Both hero and villain
by others he's been called.
The homeowners association
involved in the fight,
Disfavored decorations,
which over-brighten the night.
Baby Jesus, live camel,
and armored guards,
are but a few of the objects
adorning yards.
A violation letter,
and principled frustration,
Give rise to a lawsuit
which claimed discrimination.
The emotional toll
caused by communal derision.
Lasted for years
'til appellate court decision.
Neighbor versus neighbors,
it’s one versus all.
Mr. Christmas or association,
on whose side will you fall?
Is he a yuletide crusader,
or excessively haughty?
Are others the Scrooges,
or is the display truly gaudy?
If a change of pace
is what you desire this season.
Then sit back and relax,
this show gives you a reason.
Watch and decide,
who's naughty, who's nice.
But, don't forget
to check your list twice.
Now if you find
this message intriguing
Click the link below,
to a trailer it's leading.
And as I go
'cause this post is finite,
It's Merry Christmas to all
and to all watch the "Fight"!